Best Heart Rate Monitor Reviewed by Science
Posted by Anthony Luke MD, MPH on April 22, 2022

The Starting Line: What has research shown to be the best wearable for monitoring heart rate? As of 2021, there are many wearables on the market which make up a 47.89 billion dollar market. Heart rate is an important output to measure since it's used to calculate many formulas related to exercise. Examples of calculations using heart rate include how hard you're training, calorie expenditure, ...
Cadence, foot strikes and stride length - step by step
Posted by Anthony Luke MD, MPH on April 22, 2022

The Starting Line: How do cadence and stride length relate? For beginner runners running with a more frequent shorter stride is often preferred rather then a long stride. A popular concept to think about now is considering your cadence which is how often your foot hits the ground in one minute. Ideally your stride should be close to 170-180 foot strikes per minute so each foot lands 85-90 times ea...
Work Shoes Slowing You Down?
Posted by Hanna Baker, CO on August 29, 2013

The Starting Line: Are your work shoes an important key to injury-free training? Many athletes spend hundreds of dollars per year on high-end running shoes, yet still suffer from footwear-related injuries. What many of those athletes don’t realize, is that the shoes they wear when they are not running may be causing some of those injuries. Whether a runner wears stilettos in meetings, or leather ...
Dynamic Warm Up or Static Stretch?
Posted by Jill Gleason PT, DPT on April 16, 2013

The Starting Line: Are dynamic or static stretches the best way to warm up for running? All runners want to know the best way to warm up, including what kind of stretching is best, and if it should be done before or after the run. Unfortunately, the research on stretching can often be conflicting and confusing. From the current best evidence and my 10 years of clinical experience with runners, I recomme...
Footstrike Patterns and Running Injury Rates
Posted by Rich Souza PT, PhD on April 8, 2013

The Starting Line: Does foot strike pattern affect injury predisposition? A recent study by Daoud and colleagues at Harvard University set out to determine the difference between rearfoot strike and forefoot strike on types and rates of injuries among runners. The study population consisted of 52 male and female, high-level intercollegiate track and cross-country runners, competing in distances ranging ...